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Names starting with 'A'

To access the page for another starting letter, click on the letter in the following list :
Abelia (2 taxa)
Abelmoschus (2 taxa)
Abies (16 taxa, 6 obsolete names)
Abromeitiella (4 obsolete names)
Abronia (6 taxa, 3 obsolete names)
Abutilon (4 taxa, 1 obsolete name)
Acacia (45 taxa, 31 obsolete names)
Acaciella (1 obsolete name)
Acaena (3 taxa)
Acalypha (4 taxa, 3 obsolete names)
Acanthocalycium (3 taxa, 19 obsolete names)
Acanthocereus (7 taxa, 13 obsolete names)
Acantholobivia (5 obsolete names)
Acanthopanax (1 obsolete name)
Acanthophoenix (1 taxon, 1 obsolete name)
Acanthorhipsalis (9 obsolete names)
Acanthostachys (1 taxon)
Acanthus (3 taxa)
Acaulon (1 obsolete name)
Acca (1 obsolete name)
Acer (27 taxa, 9 obsolete names)
Acharagma (2 taxa)
Achillea (8 taxa, 1 obsolete name)
Achimenes (5 taxa)
Acidanthera (1 taxon)
Aciphylla (2 taxa)
Acmena (1 taxon)
Acoelorrhaphe (1 taxon, 1 obsolete name)
Aconitum (5 taxa, 1 obsolete name)
Acorus (2 taxa)
Acroclinium (1 obsolete name)
Acrodon (1 taxon)
Acrostichum (1 taxon)
Actaea (3 taxa, 1 obsolete name)
Actinea (1 obsolete name)
Actinella (1 obsolete name)
Actinidia (4 taxa, 1 obsolete name)
Adansonia (1 taxon)
Adenia (8 taxa, 6 obsolete names)
Adenium (1 taxon)
Adenophora (2 taxa)
Adenoropium (1 obsolete name)
Adenostoma (2 taxa)
Adhatoda (1 obsolete name)
Adiantum (10 taxa, 12 obsolete names)
Adipera (4 obsolete names)
Adromischus (21 taxa, 16 obsolete names)
Aechmea (9 taxa, 2 obsolete names)
Aegopodium (1 taxon)
Aeonium (21 taxa, 11 obsolete names)
Aesculus (7 taxa)
Aethionema (2 taxa, 1 obsolete name)
Afrocarpus (2 taxa)
Agallostachys (1 obsolete name)
Agaloma (1 obsolete name)
Agapanthus (5 taxa, 2 obsolete names)
Agapetes (1 taxon)
Agastache (4 taxa, 3 obsolete names)
Agathaea (1 obsolete name)
Agathis (1 taxon)
Agave (247 taxa, 353 obsolete names)
Ageratum (2 taxa, 2 obsolete names)
Aglaia (2 taxa)
Aglaomorpha (2 taxa)
Aglaonema (4 taxa)
Agnirictus (1 obsolete name)
Agonis (2 taxa)
Agropyron (1 taxon, 5 obsolete names)
Agrostemma (1 taxon, 2 obsolete names)
Agrostis (3 taxa, 17 obsolete names)
Aichryson (2 taxa, 1 obsolete name)
Ailanthus (1 taxon)
Aira (1 obsolete name)
Aistocaulon (1 obsolete name)
Aizopsis (1 obsolete name)
Ajuga (5 taxa)
Akebia (1 taxon)
Akersia (1 obsolete name)
Alberta (1 taxon)
Albizia (1 taxon, 2 obsolete names)
Albizzia (1 obsolete name)
Albuca (2 taxa, 2 obsolete names)
Alcea (1 taxon)
Alchemilla (4 taxa)
Aletris (3 obsolete names)
Aleurites (1 taxon, 3 obsolete names)
Alisma (1 taxon)
Allamanda (4 taxa, 2 obsolete names)
Allium (21 taxa, 5 obsolete names)
Alloplectus (1 taxon)
Alluaudia (4 taxa)
Alnus (6 taxa, 7 obsolete names)
Alocasia (4 taxa, 4 obsolete names)
Aloe (510 taxa, 730 obsolete names)
Aloinella (1 obsolete name)
Aloinopsis (7 taxa, 3 obsolete names)
Alonsoa (3 taxa)
Aloysia (2 taxa, 1 obsolete name)
Alpinia (5 taxa, 2 obsolete names)
Alsophila (2 obsolete names)
Alstroemeria (1 taxon, 1 obsolete name)
Altamiranoa (1 obsolete name)
Alternanthera (2 taxa, 1 obsolete name)
Althea (1 obsolete name)
Alyogyne (1 taxon)
Alyssoides (1 taxon)
Alyssum (2 taxa, 3 obsolete names)
Amaracus (1 obsolete name)
Amaranthus (5 taxa, 5 obsolete names)
Amarcrinum (1 taxon)
Amaryllis (1 taxon, 4 obsolete names)
Amberboa (1 taxon)
Ambrosia (2 taxa)
Amelanchier (5 taxa, 8 obsolete names)
Amomum (2 obsolete names)
Amorpha (2 taxa, 17 obsolete names)
Ampelaster (1 taxon)
Ampelopsis (1 taxon, 7 obsolete names)
Amsinckia (1 taxon, 8 obsolete names)
Amsonia (4 taxa, 3 obsolete names)
Amygdalus (1 obsolete name)
Anacampseros (7 taxa, 8 obsolete names)
Anacardium (1 taxon)
Anacheilium (2 obsolete names)
Anacyclus (1 taxon, 1 obsolete name)
Anagallis (2 taxa, 1 obsolete name)
Ananas (3 taxa)
Anaphalis (2 taxa, 7 obsolete names)
Anchistea (1 obsolete name)
Anchusa (3 taxa, 2 obsolete names)
Ancistrocactus (10 obsolete names)
Andromeda (1 taxon, 1 obsolete name)
Andropogon (1 obsolete name)
Androsace (5 taxa)
Aneilema (1 taxon)
Anemone (15 taxa, 3 obsolete names)
Anemonella (1 obsolete name)
Anemonidium (1 obsolete name)
Anemopaegma (1 taxon)
Anemopsis (1 taxon)
Anethum (1 taxon)
Aneurolepidium (1 obsolete name)
Angelica (1 taxon)
Angelonia (1 taxon)
Angolluma (2 obsolete names)
Angophora (1 taxon, 1 obsolete name)
Anhalonium (13 obsolete names)
Anigozanthos (2 taxa)
Anisacanthus (3 taxa, 1 obsolete name)
Anisocereus (3 obsolete names)
Anisodontea (3 taxa)
Anisostichus (2 obsolete names)
Anisum (1 obsolete name)
Anneslia (5 obsolete names)
Annona (5 taxa)
Anredera (1 taxon)
Anserina (1 obsolete name)
Antegibbaeum (1 obsolete name)
Antelaea (1 obsolete name)
Antennaria (4 taxa, 18 obsolete names)
Antenoron (1 obsolete name)
Anthemis (4 taxa, 1 obsolete name)
Anthericum (1 obsolete name)
Anthopterus (1 taxon)
Anthoxanthum (1 taxon)
Anthriscus (1 taxon, 1 obsolete name)
Anthurium (11 taxa, 11 obsolete names)
Antidesma (1 taxon)
Antigonon (1 taxon)
Antimima (1 obsolete name)
Antirrhinum (1 taxon, 4 obsolete names)
Aphelandra (2 taxa)
Apicra (49 obsolete names)
Apinus (1 obsolete name)
Apium (1 obsolete name)
Aplopappus (2 obsolete names)
Aponogeton (2 taxa)
Aporocactus (10 obsolete names)
Aporoheliocereus (1 obsolete name)
Aptenia (1 taxon)
Aquilegia (11 taxa, 12 obsolete names)
Arabis (7 taxa, 2 obsolete names)
Arachis (1 taxon)
Arachniodes (2 taxa)
Aralia (4 taxa, 6 obsolete names)
Araucaria (3 taxa, 1 obsolete name)
Araujia (1 taxon)
Arbutus (3 taxa, 3 obsolete names)
Archontophoenix (2 taxa)
Arctostaphylos (15 taxa, 13 obsolete names)
Arctostaphylus (1 obsolete name)
Arctotheca (1 taxon, 1 obsolete name)
Arctotis (3 taxa, 6 obsolete names)
Arctous (1 obsolete name)
Ardisia (2 taxa)
Areca (1 obsolete name)
Arecastrum (1 obsolete name)
Aregelia (1 obsolete name)
Arenaria (2 taxa, 1 obsolete name)
Arequipa (13 obsolete names)
Argemone (5 taxa, 3 obsolete names)
Argentacer (1 obsolete name)
Argyranthemum (2 taxa)
Argyroderma (5 taxa, 34 obsolete names)
Argyropsis (1 obsolete name)
Ariocarpus (9 taxa, 21 obsolete names)
Arisaema (4 taxa)
Aristea (1 taxon)
Aristida (1 taxon)
Aristolochia (6 taxa, 4 obsolete names)
Armatocereus (16 taxa, 8 obsolete names)
Armeria (5 taxa, 2 obsolete names)
Aronia (5 obsolete names)
Arrabidaea (1 obsolete name)
Arrhenatherum (1 taxon, 2 obsolete names)
Arrojadoa (7 taxa, 14 obsolete names)
Artemisia (18 taxa, 4 obsolete names)
Arthrocereus (6 taxa, 12 obsolete names)
Artocarpus (2 taxa, 3 obsolete names)
Arum (3 taxa, 4 obsolete names)
Aruncus (2 taxa, 1 obsolete name)
Arundinaria (2 taxa, 1 obsolete name)
Arundo (1 taxon, 1 obsolete name)
Asarina (3 taxa, 1 obsolete name)
Asarum (3 taxa, 6 obsolete names)
Asclepias (7 taxa, 4 obsolete names)
Asimina (1 taxon)
Asparagopsis (2 obsolete names)
Asparagus (7 taxa, 5 obsolete names)
Asperula (1 obsolete name)
Asphodeline (1 taxon)
Aspidistra (1 taxon)
Aspidium (1 obsolete name)
Asplenium (9 taxa, 3 obsolete names)
Asplenosorus (1 obsolete name)
Astartea (1 taxon)
Astelia (1 taxon)
Aster (9 taxa, 40 obsolete names)
Asteriscus (2 taxa)
Astilbe (3 taxa)
Astilboides (1 taxon)
Astrantia (3 taxa)
Astridia (1 obsolete name)
Astroloba (7 taxa, 27 obsolete names)
Astrophytum (4 taxa, 15 obsolete names)
Astroworthia (1 taxon, 2 obsolete names)
Asystasia (1 obsolete name)
Atamosco (2 obsolete names)
Athyrium (3 taxa, 3 obsolete names)
Atragene (1 obsolete name)
Atriplex (7 taxa, 5 obsolete names)
Aubrieta (1 taxon)
Aucuba (1 taxon)
Aurinia (1 taxon)
Austrocactus (5 taxa, 4 obsolete names)
Austrocephalocereus (8 obsolete names)
Austrocylindropuntia (13 taxa, 26 obsolete names)
Averrhoa (2 taxa)
Avonia (1 taxon)
Aylostera (25 obsolete names)
Azadirachta (1 taxon)
Azalea (1 taxon)
Azara (4 taxa)
Aztekium (2 taxa)
Azureocereus (4 obsolete names)

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