This 4-year old fig tree has just lost
its leaves, it is a good time to take cuttings
 Several cuttings, about 18 inches long.
 When you plant your cutting, verify that the
orientation is correct. The bud should be above the leaf
Hardwood cutting of fig trees is the easiest way to
propagate them.
The technique is very similar to the grape cuttings. Start with pieces of
branches fresh from the tree. In contrast to the grapes, it is
better to use wood that is 2-3 years old.
A good size for the cuttings is 10 to 16 inches long
(25-40 cm)
It is extremely important to identify which end of the
cutting is supposed to be up, and which side is supposed to be
down. The best way to check is to look at one of the
bud. Just below the bud is a crescent shaped scar which is
where the leaf was connected when the cutting was growing (see
diagram). Plant the cutting so that the scar is below the
bud. Cuttings planted upside down are unlikely to grow.
Plant the cuttings vertically, with three quarters of
their length underground. You can plant them 2 to 3 inches
apart in sand or dirt. It is better to plant them in a
cooler area of the garden, and avoid direct sun on them.
Keeping them cool is important to prevent early
budding. They have a slight tendency to start growing
leaves before the roots are developed, which cause later
Once they are planted, the soil mixture in which they
are should not be allowed to dry up completely, but shouldn't be
kept too soggy.
Don't move them until the following fall. By
then they will have developed a reasonably sturdy root system, and
they are ready to be planted at their final destination.
Fig tree are another type of easy cutting. It is
always exciting to see the new leaves unfolding on your
cuttings. |