Angelwing Jasmine, Shining Jasmine

Scientific Name: Jasminum nitidum Skan
Synonym: Jasminum magnificum
Family: Oleaceae
Angelwing Jasmine, Shining Jasmine(Jasminum nitidum)
A recently planted plant from a 5-gallon pot
Recommended Temperature Zone:
Sunset®: 12,13,16, 19-21, 26
USDA: 9,10

Frost Tolerance: Hardy to 25°F (-4°C)

Sun Exposure: Full sun or partial shade

Origin: India

Growth Habits: Evergreen to semideciduous shrub to 20 feet (generally evergreen in Phoenix)

Watering Needs: Regular watering for optimum growth

Propagation: Leafy stem cuttings, seeds, layering

Propagation: Cutting

  • by semi-hardwood secondary cuttings. Use intermittent mist. Root in 6-10 weeks. The best time of year to collect cuttings is during the warm season. Use firm green wood for cuttings..

The leaves are entire, up to 2 inches long.

Blooming Habits:
The angelwing Jasmine blooms from April to September. The 1 inch wide, white, pinwheel shaped flowers are a very strong scent.

They grow best in a well-drained, light soil enriched with leaf mold, peat moss or compost. From spring through fall, fertilize monthly with a balanced fertilizer such as 10-10-10. Tie the stems to supports and keep the soil evenly moist through the growing season. Prune after flowering to keep the plants thinned and shaped.

In spring, root 3" semi-hardwood cuttings in sand, peatmoss and sand, or vermiculite. Transfer cutting to 3-inch pots within 4 weeks, then to 6-inch when pot is becoming filled with roots. Jasmines do not like soggy conditions.
Seeds don't need stratifying, and can be planted immediately.

Bhatia Nurseries for pictures and growing tips


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