Home Page | Echeveria is a large genus of succulents in the Crassulaceae family. They are native from Mexico to northwestern South America. The genus Echeveria is named after the 18th century Spanich botanist Atanasio Echeverria Codoy. Several of these species are outstanding garden plants. A large number offsets heavily and are given the common name of 'Hen and Chicks'. Most species grow in the shade and can take some frost. Hybrids tend to be less accomodating about their growing conditions. All the species are drought resistant, but they grow better with regular deep watering and fertilizing. They can be propagated with offsets, leaf cuttings, and if they are not hybrids, by seeds. Offsets is the easier way.
Most species lose their lower leaves in winter. Depending on your level of humidity, these leaves are fertile ground for fungus that can then attack the plant. It is better to remove them regularly. Another consequence is that after a couple of years the plants look untidy. It is better then to re-root the main rosette(s) and keep the rest of the plant for propagation.
Echeveria agavoides Molded Wax Agave Echeveria agavoides var. prolifera Echeveria agavoides x colorata Echeveria 'Arlie Wright' Echeveria 'Black Prince' Echeveria 'Blue Heron' Echeveria cante Echeveria coccinea Echeveria colorata Echeveria crenulata Echeveria derenbergii Baby Echeveria, Painted lady Echeveria Χ deresina Echeveria 'Dondo' Echeveria 'Doris Taylor' Woolly Rose Echeveria elatior Echeveria elegans Hen and Chicks Echeveria 'hoveyi' Echeveria Χ imbricata Hen And Chicks Echeveria Χ kirchneriana Echeveria lauii Echeveria leucotricha Chenille Plant Echeveria 'Lola' Echeveria nodulosa Echeveria 'Painted Lady' Echeveria pallida Echeveria peacockii Peacock Echeveria Echeveria potosina Echeveria prolifica Echeveria pulidonis Echeveria pulvinata Echeveria pulvinata 'Frosty' Echeveria pulvinata 'Ruby Blush' Echeveria pumila Hen And Chicks Echeveria purpusorum Echeveria 'Ruberia' Echeveria runyonii Echeveria runyonii 'Topsy Turvy' Echeveria sanchez-mejoradae Echeveria scheerii Echeveria sedoides Echeveria Χ set-oliver Echeveria 'Set-Oliver' Echeveria setosa Echeveria shaviana Mexican Hens Echeveria shaviana Echeveria tundelii Echeveria 'Wavy Curls' Synonym and obsolete names Echeveria anthonyi synonym of Dudleya anthonyi Echeveria argentea synonym of Dudleya pulverulenta ssp. pulverulenta (Chalk Lettuce) Echeveria attenuata synonym of Dudleya attenuata (Orcutt's Liveforever, Tapertip Liveforever) Echeveria californica synonym of Dudleya caespitosa (Sea Lettuce) Echeveria candida synonym of Dudleya candida Echeveria clavifolia synonym of Pachyveria clavifolia Echeveria collomiae synonym of Dudleya saxosa ssp. collomiae (Rock Live-forever) Echeveria cotyledon synonym of Dudleya caespitosa (Sea Lettuce) Echeveria cultrata synonym of Dudleya cultrata Echeveria cymosa synonym of Dudleya cymosa Echeveria desmetiana synonym of Echeveria peacockii (Peacock Echeveria) Echeveria discolor synonym of Echeveria nodulosa Echeveria edulis var. attenuata synonym of Dudleya attenuata (Orcutt's Liveforever, Tapertip Liveforever) Echeveria edulis synonym of Dudleya edulis (Fingertips) Echeveria glauca var. pumila synonym of Echeveria pumila (Hen And Chicks) Echeveria Χ glaucometallica synonym of Echeveria Χ imbricata (Hen And Chicks) Echeveria halbingeri var. sanchez-mejoradae synonym of Echeveria sanchez-mejoradae Echeveria helleri synonym of Dudleya caespitosa (Sea Lettuce) Echeveria laxa synonym of Dudleya caespitosa (Sea Lettuce) Echeveria longifolia synonym of Echeveria coccinea Echeveria misteca synonym of Echeveria nodulosa Echeveria obscura synonym of Echeveria agavoides (Molded Wax Agave) Echeveria perelegans synonym of Echeveria elegans (Hen and Chicks) Echeveria pulverulenta synonym of Dudleya pulverulenta ssp. pulverulenta (Chalk Lettuce) Echeveria purpusiorum synonym of Echeveria purpusorum Echeveria secunda var. pumila synonym of Echeveria pumila (Hen And Chicks) Echeveria subsessilis synonym of Echeveria peacockii (Peacock Echeveria) Echeveria yuccoides synonym of Echeveria agavoides (Molded Wax Agave) Desert Tropicals Home Page List of All the Plants | More in the Crassulaceae family Desert-Tropicals is dedicated to provide gardening advice, gardening ideas, and information about flower of all kind for landscape and collections.We try to check carefully the identification of the plants on the illustrations as well as the other information from the page, but occasionally errors do occur. if you notice anything that needs to be changed please contact us.Thanks. © 1998-2020 Philippe Faucon, All Rights Reserved. |