Origin: Unknown, maybe Argentina or Paraguay, possibly an intergeneric hybrid between a Harrisia (maybe H. pomanensis) and an Echinopsis eyriesii
Growth Habits: Stems with few branches, mostly erect, up to 2.4 inches in diameter (6 cm), 5 or 6 ribs, 7 very short spines, areoles 0.8 inch (2 cm) apart
As 'Harrisia jusbertii', it is a very popular rootstock used in grafting rare cactus species.
Blooming Habits:
Abundant blossom of large nocturnal white flowers, with brownish green outer petals, 7 inches long (18 cm). It might be difficult to obtain seeds, since the species is self-sterile, and most plants are propagated by cuttings and even plants from different source might be coming from the same clone.
Desert-Tropicals is dedicated to provide gardening advice, gardening ideas, and information about flower of all kind for landscape and collections.We try to check carefully the identification of the plants on the illustrations as well as the other information from the page, but occasionally errors do occur. if you notice anything that needs to be changed please contact us.Thanks.
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