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Pachypodium saundersii
Scientific Name: Pachypodium saundersii N.E. Br.
Synonym: Pachypodium lealii ssp. saundersii
Family: Asclepiadaceae
Recommended Temperature Zone:
USDA: 10-12
Frost Tolerance: Semi tender in Phoenix, protect it on coldest nights, or keep it in container
Sun Exposure: Light shade to full sun.
Origin: South Africa
Growth Habits: Small, very slow growing caudiciform tree, typically 2 to 4 feet tall or less for any specimen of reasonable age
Watering Needs: Regular water in summer when the plant has leaves, in winter, keep dry, with only occasional water
Propagation: Seeds
Pachypodium saundersii is probably the easiest and fastest South African Pachypodium to grow. Many botanists consider it a subspecies of P lealii. Since it behaves somewhat differently in cultivation (different blooming season, speed of growth…) I just kept it here as a different species.
Blooming Habits: P. saundersii has white flowers in the fall at the end of the summer growing season. They seem to need a cooler winter dormancy to bloom properly. They generally bloom at a younger age than other Pachypodiums, typically around 4-5 years old.
Culture: This species is dormant in winter, keep it totally dry when leafless.

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