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Phoenix Garden Calendar
Mandevilla, Red Riding Hood, Dipladenia
Scientific Name: Mandevilla splendens (Hook.) Woodson
Synonym: Dipladenia splendens, Mandevilla sanderi
Family: Asclepiadaceae
Recommended Temperature Zone:
Sunset®: 21-25
USDA: 10
Frost Tolerance: Tender in Phoenix, needs protection on colder nights, will generally do OK on a south wall under an overhang
Sun Exposure: Full sun, tolerates partial shade
Growth Habits: Vigorous evergreen twining vine to 4-6 feet (1.2-1.8 m), shrubbier than 'Alice du Pont'
Watering Needs: Keep moist in summer, drier in winter
Propagation: Hardwood cuttings, seeds
The Mandevillas are tender in Phoenix and need careful planning to be used in landscaping as perennial plant. They are often used as patio plant or as annuals. They are great trellised in containers or in hanging baskets.
Blooming Habits: The Red Riding Hood blooms at the end of April in Phoenix. The fragrant 4 inches wide flowers last 4 to 5 days, and turn somewhat darker at the end of the first day.
Culture: The Mandevillas have tubers similar to a dahlia, and do not like overwatering in winter. They like a rich, well drained, sandy soil. Prune as needed in summer or winter. Fertilize every 2 weeks with balanced fertilizer, or a fertilizer rich in phosphorus (10-20-10 for instance).
Propagation: Single node hardwood cuttings sprinkled with rooting hormone should start growing in 4 weeks.
Clemson Extension

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