Splendid Stilt Palm

Scientific Name: Verschaffeltia splendida
Verschaffeltia splendida
Size: Up to 50 feet tall (15 m)
Min. Temperature: 44°F (7°C)
Water Requirements: Abundant water and humidity
Sun Requirements: Full sun to light shade
Origin: Seychelles Islands
Leaf: Pinnate, Undivided leaves, occasionally split by the wind.
Trunk: Green crownshaft, Dark brown, ringed, stilt roots, spines on juvenile trees
Flower: Flower stalk coming from among the leaves.
Fruit: 1 inch in diameter (2.5 cm). round.
Seed: 0.75 inch. round, grooved..

Stilt palm. Splendida is the only species in the Verschaffeltia genus. This palm needs a tropical climate with good moisture and protection from the wind(so the leaves won't split). V. splendida comes from the Seychelles where it grows on steep forested hillside at the 1,000 to 2,000 foot level. The trunk and petioles are covered with spines and the stilt roots add to the beauty of this palm. This photo was taken at Nancy's Secret Garden in Key West, Florida.

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