Mexican Blue Palm

Scientific Name: Brahea armata S. Watson
Synonyms: Brahea clara, Erythea armata, E. glauca, E. roezlii
Brahea armata
Size: Slowly up to 50 feet tall (15 m) Up to 16 feet (5 m)
Min. Temperature: 10°F (-12°C)
Water Requirements: Little water, good drainage
Sun Requirements: Full sun
Origin: Baja California oases, and northwestern Mexico
Leaf: Costapalmate, Glaucous blue grey. Stiff, glaucous. 25-30 leaves, divided in 40 to 60 leaflets. Petiole extends to more than half of the central leafblade. 8-9 feet wide (2.4 to 2.7 m). not divided, slightly armed with dark thorns, wooly wax cover..
Trunk: Gray, smooth with leaf scars, or occasionally, persistant dead leaves, slightly swollen at the base. Up to 18 inches (45 cm).
Flower: Hermaphoditic. Flower stalk coming from between the leaves, much longer than them (up to 15 feet - 4.5 m).
Fruit: Brown. 0.8 inch. round edible.
Seed: Round.